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About Company

A&D JASMINE International CO., LTD

Offering Excellence with Towel Rack, Wine Pullout Basket, Goblet Wine Rack, Pull Down Storage Kit, Kitchen Faucet, and more.

A&D Jasmine International Co. Ltd., is a reliable manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Towel Rack, Wine Pullout Basket, Goblet Wine Rack, Pull Down Storage Kit, Kitchen Faucet, and more. Our products are functional, have a good storage for meeting the diversified needs of our global clientele and end-users.
Over three decades of experience have seen our team dedicated to innovative design and functionality in product development, combined with modern production management and a government-certified quality assurance system. Thus, we have acquired more than 30 patents and gained the trust of numerous renowned international companies for OEM/ODM collaborations.
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